[FFmpeg-cvslog] x86/tx_float: correctly load the transform length

Lynne git at videolan.org
Sun Jul 18 16:05:17 EEST 2021

ffmpeg | branch: master | Lynne <dev at lynne.ee> | Sun Jul 18 15:00:48 2021 +0200| [997f9bdb99de18b27f8f213f381c5e90536a1be9] | committer: Lynne

x86/tx_float: correctly load the transform length

The field is a standard field, yet we were loading it as if it was
a quadword. This worked for forward transforms by chance, but broke
when the transform was inverse.
checkasm couldn't catch that because we only test forward transforms,
which are identical to inverse transforms but with a different revtab.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=997f9bdb99de18b27f8f213f381c5e90536a1be9

 libavutil/x86/tx_float.asm | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/libavutil/x86/tx_float.asm b/libavutil/x86/tx_float.asm
index b71fb49592..4d2283fae1 100644
--- a/libavutil/x86/tx_float.asm
+++ b/libavutil/x86/tx_float.asm
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ ALIGN 16
 cglobal split_radix_fft_float, 4, 8, 16, 272, lut, out, in, len, tmp, itab, rtab, tgt
-    mov lenq, [lutq + AVTXContext.m]
+    movsxd lenq, dword [lutq + AVTXContext.m]
     mov lutq, [lutq + AVTXContext.revtab]
     mov tgtq, lenq

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