[Ffmpeg-devel] Legal questions...
Michel Bardiaux
Wed Oct 5 10:21:11 CEST 2005
Ronen Mizrahi wrote:
> It does answer questions about mp3,
Not really. It kinds of imply they have patent(s) on some forms of audio
encoding, but finding *exactly* what is patented in MP3 would probably
cost more in time than the cost of licenses. Which is probably deliberate.
> but what about MPEG-1 container,
> MPEG-1 video and MPEG-1 audio level II audio? Are the patents expired
> for these formats/codecs?
> Benjamin Larsson wrote:
>> Michel Bardiaux wrote:
>>> Ronald S. Bultje wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>> No. European companies in European countries also pay royalties. We may
>>>> not have official software patents in Europe, most of the countries
>>>> still have them at a national level one way or another (sad but true).
>>>> Better get used to it: MPEG *is* owned by companies. You *do* owe them
>>>> royalties, through MPEG-LA. If you don't want that, don't use MPEG.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronald
>>> MPEG-LA does not mention anything regarding MPEG-1, not even MPEG-1
>>> audio/level-III, a.k.a. mp3. What's the patent situation on these?
>> http://www.mp3licensing.com should answer that question.
>> MvH
>> Benjamin Larsson
Michel Bardiaux
R&D Director
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