[Ffmpeg-devel] qtrle bug
Reimar Döffinger
Wed Oct 12 16:25:13 CEST 2005
On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 11:51:41AM +0200, matthieu castet wrote:
> Ok, I found the bug,
> rle_code was an signed char, and when it was '*4' in the check it
> overflow and become negative.
> This patch fixes the bug.
I think this is correct, esp. since the 4bpp and 8bpp already define
rle_code as int.
Though there is one difference between those places:
4bpp and 8bpp variants actually have
> rle_code *= 4;
whereas the other variants only have things like
> CHECK_STREAM_PTR(rle_code * 4);
> CHECK_PIXEL_PTR(rle_code * 4);
so maybe these macros are wrong?
Reimar D?ffinger
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