[Ffmpeg-devel] integrating a new codec?
Benjamin Larsson
Tue Apr 11 01:37:28 CEST 2006
James Barros wrote:
> [...]
> Ah, and there's the rub. We've got about 2314897435273 licensed
> products with the on2vp6 codec lying around here, the problem is that
> I'm seeing an almost 120 to 1 time ratio for encoding with ffmpeg vs,
> say, sorrenson squeeze. Now, I'm sure a large portion of that is the
> codec, but I doubt thats all it is.
> Also, I appologize if this is an incredible breach of etiquette, but
> I've also been asked to put out the offer that anyone who can drop us
> a working solution, my company would be more than happy to
> compensate. We don't care about owning any code, and are happy to
> leave things in the public domain, or at least as much as is public
> (obviously the on2 code wouldn't be) but we need to get that level of
> quality and if there's any way to do that and allow stability, speed,
> and easy batch processing/running from the command line ala ffmpeg,
> that would definitely be preferred.
Linspire used some gluecode to add wmapro and wmv3 decoding support in
ffmpeg. The code for it can be found here
http://software.linspire.com/pool-src/m/mplayer/. It could be used as a
base for an eventual implementation.
> If anyone with more skill than I and an interest in this would be
> willing to contact me offlist, this will be the last I bother the
> list with my requests.
> Thanks again for the information. :)
> Sincerly,
> James Barros
> james at cyberflowsolutions.com
Benjamin Larsson
"incorrect information" is an oxymoron. Information is, by definition, factual, correct.
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