[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] mpeg2 intra vlc support

Baptiste COUDURIER baptiste.coudurier
Mon May 8 23:29:46 CEST 2006


This patch adds support for intra vlc use in mpeg2.
Few comments : is uni_mpeg1_ac_vlc_bits used anywhere ? If not could it
be removed to simplify init_uni_ac_vlc ?

Only difference between rl_mpeg1 and rl_mpeg2 is table_vlc ? Is the
change correct ? Should I still use rl table or simplify by only
changing one variable pointing to the vlc table ?

Parameter is not added yet, is a "ilvc" option with and intra_vlc field
in AVCodecContext ok ?

Baptiste COUDURIER                              GnuPG Key Id: 0x5C1ABAAA
SMARTJOG S.A.                                    http://www.smartjog.com
Key fingerprint                 8D77134D20CC9220201FC5DB0AC9325C5C1ABAAA
Phone: +33 1 49966312
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