[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] demux individual program out of MPEG-TS

Nico Sabbi Nicola.Sabbi
Thu Sep 13 12:02:46 CEST 2007

Benoit Fouet wrote:

>Nico Sabbi wrote:
>>Benoit Fouet wrote:
>>>>+    int i, j, k;
>>>>+    int used = 0, discarded = 0;
>>>>+    Program_t *p;
>>>>+    for(i=0; i<ts->nb_prg; i++) {
>>>>+        p = &ts->prg[i];
>>>>+        for(j=0; j<p->nb_pids; j++) {
>>>>+            if(p->pids[j] != pid)
>>>>+                continue;
>>>using if(p->pids[j] == pid) would get rid of the continue
>>but it would create one more level of bracing and nesting,
>>making the code less readable
>i just thought this could help the compiler...
? I know gcc is considered stupid, but why should it generate
faster code with one more nesting level rather than after
excluding error cases?

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