[FFmpeg-devel] Codec IDs for AC3/DTS variants (Was: Re: [RFC] additinaldesc_type for dtshd mpeg-ts demuxer)
Wed Jun 11 08:59:47 CEST 2008
Ian Caulfield schrieb:
> 2008/6/10 Justin Ruggles <justinruggles at bellsouth.net>:
>> elupus wrote:
>>> Forgot to answer your question. E-AC3, DD+, AC3+ is all the same thing. So as
>>> said in othermail, it's not backword compatible.
>> In that case, it will be decodable by FFmpeg's AC3/E-AC3 decoder. It is
>> not currently, but it won't be too much longer now.
>> It does not need a new codec id.
> Can the E-AC3 decoder handle the streams which consist of an AC3
> "core" stream and an E-AC3 ancillary stream? I think these are used on
> Blu-Ray...
> Ian
To my best knowledge there is only one Blu-Ray available
world wide which uses E-AC3 at all - and that is a Dolby
demo disc.
E-AC3 is usually used on Blu-Ray only if you want to do
more than 5.1 channels. So even if the E-AC3 decoder
didn't support this "AC3 core + E-AC3 extension" logic
if should still be able to decode the 5.1 core just fine.
I think Justin was planning to implement 5.1 AC3 and
5.1 HD DVD style E-AC3 support first and add Blu-Ray
style E-AC3 support at a later date.
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