[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Common ACELP code & G.729 [3/7] - vectors operations
Diego Biurrun
Sat May 3 12:46:27 CEST 2008
On Sat, May 03, 2008 at 02:53:40PM +0700, Vladimir Voroshilov wrote:
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/libavcodec/acelp_vectors.c
> @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
> +/*
> + * Operations with adaptive and fixed codebook vectors for ACELP-based codecs
adaptive and fixed codebook vector operations for ACELP-based codecs
> +/*
> + (EE) This table (from reference code) does not comply with specifiation !
> + Specification contains following table:
(EE) This table (from reference code) does not comply with the specification!
The specification contains the following table:
> +/**
> + * Low-pass FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter coefficients
> + * b30 is based on Hamming windowed sinc functions, truncated at +/-29 and
> + * padded with zeros at +/-30 b30[30]=0
> + /* Reference G.729 and AMR fixed point code performs clipping after
> + each of the two following accumulations.
The reference G.729 and AMR fixed point code performs clipping
after each of the two following accumulations.
> + Since clipping affects only synthetic OVERFLOW test and still not
> + cause int type oveflow, it was moved outside loop. */
Since clipping affects only the synthetic OVERFLOW test without
causing an int type oveRflow, it was moved outside the loop.
> + * Tables differs only by width, so can be handled via common routine.
differ, so they can be handled by a common routine
> + //clipping required here. breaks OVERFLOW test
Clipping required here; breaks OVERFLOW test.
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/libavcodec/acelp_vectors.h
> @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
> +/*
> + * Operations with adaptive and fixed codebook vectors for ACELP-based codecs
adaptive and fixed codebook vector operations for ACELP-based codecs
> + * \brief Decode the adaptive-codebook (pitch) vector (4.1.3 of G.729)
> + * The routine can be used for 1/3 precision too, by
> + * passing 2*pitch_delay_frac as third parameter
> + * \brief Decode fixed-codebook vector (3.8 of G.729, 5.7.1 of AMR)
> + * \param pulses_signs Signs of the excitation pulses (0 bit value means negative sign)
long line
> + * \remark last track in table should be read up-to-down, left-to-right
The last track in the table should be read top-to-bottom, left-to-right.
> + * \brief Decode fixed-codebook vector (D.5.8 of G.729)
> + * \param pulses_signs Signs of the excitation pulses (0 bit value means negative sign)
> + *
> + * \remark each track in table should be read up-to-down, left-to-right
see above
> + * \note (EE.1) This table (got from reference code) does not comply with specification
the specification.
> + * \note (EE.2) Reference G.729D code also uses gray decoding for each pulse index before
> + * looking up value in the table.
the value, long line
> + * \brief Decode fixed-codebook vector (G.729, not standard)
> + * \param pulses_signs Signs of the excitation pulses (0 bit value means negative sign)
> + *
> + * \remark last track in table should be read up-to-down, left-to-right
see above
> + * Used in G.729 @4.4k
> + * \brief Enchance harmonic components of the fixed codevector (4.1.4 and 3.8 of G.729, 5.7.2 of AMR)
> + * \param fc_v [in/out] fixed codebook vector to enchance (-0x8000 <= (2.13) < 0x8000)
> + * This filter enchances harmonic components of the fixed codebook vector to
> + * improve the quaity of the reconstructed speech.
> + * \brief Build excitation signal from pitch and innovation vectors (3.10 of G.729, 5.9 of AMR)
> + * \note it is safe to pass the same buffer for exc and av_c or fc_v
Capitalize, add period at the end.
May I suggest that you quickly run your stuff through a spellchecker,
that should catch a lot of mistakes :)
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