[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Channel layouts
Derk-Jan Hartman
Mon Sep 8 13:42:10 CEST 2008
On 8 sep 2008, at 10:13, Robert Swain wrote:
> 2008/9/8 Robert Swain <robert.swain at gmail.com>:
>> 2008/9/7 M?ns Rullg?rd <mans at mansr.com>:
>>> Peter Ross <pross at xvid.org> writes:
>>>> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 10:21:28PM -0400, Justin Ruggles wrote:
>>>>> Peter Ross wrote:
>>>>>> +int64_t avcodec_guess_channel_layout(int nb_channels)
>>>>>> +{
>>>>>> + switch(nb_channels) {
>>>>>> + case 1: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO;
>>>>>> + case 2: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO;
>>>>>> + case 4: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_QUAD;
>>>>>> + case 6: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_5POINT1;
>>>>>> + case 8: return CHANNEL_LAYOUT_7POINT1;
>>>>>> + default: return 0;
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +}
>>>>> Why not add 3 and 5 to the list? My vote would be for left/
>>>>> right/center
>>>>> and 5.0.
>>> 2.1 and 4.1 are equally, if not more, likely. I have such DVDs, but
>>> none with x.0 where x > 2.
>> I agree with M?ns on this one. 2.1 and 4.1 would be better choices in
>> my opinion.
> Actually, now I'm not so sure. I was thinking in terms of end user
> speaker configurations rather than channel layouts in codecs. Justin's
> point about just giving them generic names based on the numbers of
> channels (as this is all they are...) would make more sense as there
> is the ambiguity of 4.1 versus 5.0 for example.
Why not use names as defined by one of the standards ?
I advise people to look into the CoreAudioTypes.h header on OSX. They
have a very good separation between channellabels and channellayouts.
They also support MPEG, ITU, DVD layout-tagnames (as well as AudioUnit
CoreAudio can handle almost any channelordering concept and in my
opinion is one of the better examples when implementing things like
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