[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] simplify ipmovie pts calculation
Mike Melanson
Sun Sep 28 12:04:10 CEST 2008
Reimar D?ffinger wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 02:23:09AM -0700, Mike Melanson wrote:
>> Thanks for taking an interest in this. I think perhaps a better solution
>> would be to not initialize the video stream until encountering a create
>> timer opcode in a video chunk. The timer opcode establishes the framerate.
> I had the impression that a movie could have multiple timer opcodes, and
> that solution would not work then...
I think it's certainly conceivable that a movie could alter its timecode
like that. I also think it's unlikely. I think it would merit a warning
in the code along the lines of, "Second timer change opcode encountered.
Please notify the developers." And we would handle it if it every became
an issue in the wild.
-Mike Melanson
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