[FFmpeg-devel] tag list in asf-enc.c

Irfan Shaikh irfanshaikh
Mon Sep 29 16:19:21 CEST 2008

Hi all,

static const AVCodecTag codec_asf_bmp_tags[] = {
    { CODEC_ID_MPEG4, MKTAG('M', 'P', '4', 'S') },
    { CODEC_ID_MPEG4, MKTAG('M', '4', 'S', '2') },
    { CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V3, MKTAG('M', 'P', '4', '3') },
    { CODEC_ID_NONE, 0 },

If  i want to add CODEC_ID_MJPEG or CODEC_ID_H264 in the above tag list, Can any one please tell me what tag names to use  MKTAG('?', '?', '?','?').

Thanks in advance,


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