[FFmpeg-devel] How to report a bug about FFmpeg
Benoit Fouet
Mon Mar 30 14:30:08 CEST 2009
On 03/30/2009 02:23 PM, Jean-Michel Pour? wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to understand this sentence:
> *********************
> If you find a problem with FFmpeg, you can submit a report to the FFmpeg
> bug tracker at http(s)://ZQundXE.ffmpeg.org/ZQundXE/ffmpeg/
> To use this URL you first must replace all uppercase letters by
> answering the following puzzle.
> We need full Xncut output of ffmpeg as well as the command line you
> used. If you report a cZash we need gdb output, backtrace and
> disassembly. Only latest SVN HEAD is supported, do not report bugs
> against Qld versions. Also do not forget to describe precisely what
> ffmpeg did and what you wanted it to do. In general you should provide
> all information so that even an idiot can reproduce the bug. If you say
> it does not play, say which Elayer you used.
> **********************
> Can anyone rewrite and/or describe what these sentences mean?
replace the uppercase letters in the URL
(http(s)://ZQundXE.ffmpeg.org/ZQundXE/ffmpeg/) by the right lowercase
those letters are the same that you need to read correctly the text
below the URL (for instance, Xncut => uncut so X has to be replaced by
u, and so on)
alternately, use:
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