[FFmpeg-devel] filling AVFrame

João Viana joao.viana
Fri Oct 16 14:45:33 CEST 2009


I'm having some trouble filling up the AVFrame before using
"avcodec_encode_video( )". I've converted an image from RGB -> YUV420p using
the "sws_scale( )" function, so my YUV image is now stored in "uint8_t *  *
dst*[ ]" and I also have a "int  *dstStride*[ ]".

data = (uint8_t *)malloc (4*W*H);
uint8_t **dst[4]*= {data, data+W*H, data+W*H*2, data+W*H*3};

(W is width an H is Height)

Is there any function in ffmpeg with that purpose? i just couldn't find
If there isn't any function wich is the best and the usual way to do that?

Jo?o Viana

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