[FFmpeg-devel] [bug/patch] MPEG-TS muxer: PCR not in sync withPTS/DTS

Niobos niobos
Mon Oct 19 12:54:05 CEST 2009

On 19 Oct 2009, at 10:46, belcampo wrote:
> Niobos wrote:
>> On 16 Oct 2009, at 16:56, belcampo wrote:
>>> After applying the patch, ffmpeg-mpegts-vbr-4.diff, doing
>>> ffmpeg -i 86240frames-h264.ts -an -vcodec copy -f rawvideo  
>>> 86240frames.h264  produces the raw frames where last line is:
>>> frame=172480 fps=2285 q=-1.0 Lsize= 3996695kB time=3449.58  
>>> bitrate=9491.3kbits/s
>>> Notice frame vs. field problem.
>>> ffmpeg -i 86240frames.h264 -an -vcodec copy -f mpegts new.ts
>>> now produces
>>> frame=172480 fps=1393 q=-1.0 Lsize= 7371403kB time=3449.62  
>>> bitrate=17505.3kbits/s
>>> Notice size/bitrate increase
>> Is this a pure cosmetic problem? or is there a difference in the  
>> output file?
> No it's NOT cosmetic only. File-size, also in the real world, grows  
> from Lsize= 3996695kB to
> Lsize= 7371403kB

That points more "away" from the muxer: As far as I understand the  
muxer-code, it only puts a header/trailer around the bytes it gets  
from the rest of the code.

To confirm this guess, could you retry the same test but with another  
codec (eg mpeg2)?


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