[FFmpeg-devel] [FFmpeg-devel-irc] IRC log for 2010-09-17#

Stefano Sabatini stefano.sabatini-lala
Mon Sep 27 21:48:51 CEST 2010

On date Friday 2010-09-24 14:52:37 -0700, Baptiste Coudurier encoded:
> On 09/24/2010 02:26 PM, Stefano Sabatini wrote:
> Yes. I said:
> "Integration is svn more important than features IMHO. Michael will
> want direct rendering in svn than frame copied integrally like it
> was before, and Vitor commented about it. That's why I changed it."
> You complain about your "picture in picture" feature which is way
> less important than getting the filter in svn and overlaying a logo
> at first.

I need the overlay for testing lavfi sources. Also there are people
which are using libavfilter soc and breaking a previously working
feature looks not nice. I wonder if it would be a good idea to
intentionally break some feature in the soc repo (or simply keep it
outdated) in order to foster some contributions, but I'm quite sure
that even that won't help (people would rather keep their private
hacks and updates rather than do the effort to contribute to the

> >I think that we all should try to be a little less picky and more
> >collaborative, we're spending more time fighting each other than doing
> >useful stuff.
> Then you should focus on what matters, not your "features", stuff in
> soc svn is assumed to change without notice IMHO.

Well I mainly work on "my features" as noone is forcing me to do
otherwise or is dictating me on what should I "focus", if you think
there are other features which "matter more" or are "more important"
you're welcome to work on them. Or you can pay someone for working on
that, or support him, or send him a postcard, or suggest him or ask

Anyway since the integration is the objective you should focus your
work more on SVN integration than on soc filters. I already gave a
stab at the overlay filter for main SVN integration, you can start
from that, but there are still some problems related to timestamps
which need to be addressed before.

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