[FFmpeg-devel] Auto-inserting filters (was: examples/filtering_audio: get rid of AVABufferSinkParams)

Nicolas George nicolas.george at normalesup.org
Thu Apr 18 17:45:22 CEST 2013

L'octidi 28 germinal, an CCXXI, Nicolas George a écrit :
> I have doubts about that kind of design, but that can be discussed.

More precisely, the problems with auto-inserted utility filters start when
several are needed¹. Consider the situation when you want a asetnsamples
filter to ensure framing and a aformat filter to set the output format. If
aformat is inserted after asetnsamples, then a resampler could be inserted
between them, possibly ruining the framing. If aformat is inserted before
asetnsamples, we must be absolutely sure that asetnsamples supports all
formats, otherwise it may negotiate something else and negate the effect of

This only for two utility filters; the more there are, the harder it becomes
to understand how they can interact.


  Nicolas George

1: all similarities between this statement and a racist joke by a former
French minister are purely coincidental.
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