[FFmpeg-devel] [patch 4/4] Fix bug for POWERLE: libswscale/ppc/swscale_altivec.c
rongyan236 at foxmail.com
Fri Nov 7 10:43:22 CET 2014
There are 4 patches presented to fix bugs for POWER8 little endian. I will send 4 patches in 4 different email. This is the fourth.
It fixed the function hScale_altivec_real(), yuv2planeX_16_altivec(), yuv2planeX_8().
The fate test result on POWER BE and POWER LE after merge these 4 patches are attached here to facilitate the review:
The passed test cases change from 1679/2182 to 2010/2236.
Rong Yan
The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.
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