[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Fixes for the Icecast protocol

Marvin Scholz epirat07 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 08:47:01 CET 2014

On 11 Nov 2014, at 0:56, Timothy Gu wrote:

> Real name please.

Changed the patches to used my realname now.

> These are two unrelated changes and should therefore be split into two
> patches.

Splitted them up into two different patches

>> -    if (NOT_EMPTY(s->content_type))
>> -        av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "content_type", s->content_type, 0);
>> +    av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "content_type", s->content_type, 0);
> This change LGTM.

Changed it, since this would break my later check if no content-type
was set by the user.

>> +       av_dict_set(&opt_dict, "send_expect_100", "1", 0);
> Not sure about this one.

Why not? This is needed for proper error reporting. Modified it,
so that it is only used for non-legacy PUT requests. It would
work with SOURCE requests too, but only because the http
implementation of ffmpeg isn't that strict about it and it's
better not to rely on this in my opinion.

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Name: 0002-Icecast-Use-100-continue-if-possible-for-proper-erro.patch
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