[FFmpeg-devel] [Patch 4/4]Fix h264 on POWER LE: libavcodec/ppc/h264qpel.c
rongyan236 at foxmail.com
Fri Nov 28 08:26:19 CET 2014
We present 4 patches to fix h264 bugs for POWER8 little endian, which are sent in 4 seperate emails.
This is the fifth, to fix the functions put_pixels16_l2_altivec(), avg_pixels16_l2_altivec(), add marcos put_unligned_store(), avg_unligned_store().
The fate test result after merge these 4 patches can be found on website by searching "ibmcrl", also attached in the below to facilitate the review. The passed test cases change from 2017/2243 to 2209/2245.
Rong Yan
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