[FFmpeg-devel] Adding FATE tests for FFV1 - revisited
Michael Niedermayer
michael at niedermayer.cc
Sun Aug 30 21:32:48 CEST 2015
On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 07:06:44PM +0200, Peter B. wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been working on FATE tests for FFV1 in the past already [1]. My
> tests didn't work on all platforms and therefore never made it upstream.
> I think it's better if I try to provide these new tests in smaller
> chunks now :)
> First of all, there are things I find inconsistent or confusing with the
> current tests (vcodec.mak):
> - ENCOPTS for FFV1.3 contain "-vcodec ffv1" instead of "CODEC=ffv1"
> (this generates "-c ffv1.3" as parameter?)
> - Target "fate-vsynth%-*" tests default to sws_flags
> "accurate_rnd+bitexact". FFV1.3 tests have "neighbor+bitexact". Why?
it makes more cases lossless IIRC
the default upscaling + default downscaling is not binary identical
> - ENCOPTS for "fate-vsynth%-ffv1" are "-slices 4", which is an
> FFV1.3-only option.
> - What is "ffv1.0"?
> My ideas/plans would be something like this:
> First steps:
> 1) Clean the current FFV1 tests (naming, ENCDEC options, etc)
> 2) Move FFV1 tests to its own file (ffv1.mak). Or at least to
> "lossless-video.mak".
> 3) Have separate tests for different FFV1 versions (1,3)
> Then:
> 4) Add default argument "-g 1"
> 5) Add tests to cover the following cases:
> - Color spaces YUV, RGB, GRAY
> - bits-per-component as currently supported
> - YUV subsampling 420, 422, 444
> - Alpha channel: YUVA, BGRA
> Maybe:
> 6) Multiple coder/context options
> 7) Multiple slices options
> 8) Testing SliceCRC
> This will produce quite a number of tests :(
> I guess it is desired to keep the number of tests as low as necessary?
avoiding redundant tests would be a good idea
> I've attached my old test Makefile (ffv1.mak), for reference.
> :D
> What is the best way to proceed?
probably, send patches
and probably better few and small ones at once then wait and see
in which direction reviewes go before spending too much time in some
specific direction
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