[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] libavfilter/af_ambisonic.c Added File for Ambisonic Filter

Andy Furniss adf.lists at gmail.com
Sat Mar 11 12:11:58 EET 2017

Sanchit Sinha wrote:
> libavfilter/af_ambisonic.c | 139

> +        w=(float *)(*(in->extended_data)+itr);
> +        x=(float *)(*(in->extended_data+1)+itr);
> +        y=(float *)(*(in->extended_data+2)+itr);
> +
> +        *lf = root8 * (2*(*w)+*x+*y);
> +        *lb = root8 * (2*(*w)-*x+*y);
> +        *rb = root8 * (2*(*w)-*x-*y);
> +        *rf = root8 * (2*(*w)+*x-*y);

Seems a bit misleading to call something ambisonic if all it will
do is 2d, so partial b-format to (square?) 4 channel.

Why not be more specific in the name so the limitation is clear.

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