[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] configure: support static libnpp [v3]

Andreas HÃ¥kon andreas.hakon at protonmail.com
Fri Sep 22 10:37:15 EEST 2017

Hi Timo,

As for the deprecation of libnpp, I suggest to keeping it. We use it a lot! In addition, we have some improvements for the current scale_npp... however, before publishing it it's necesssary to solve the question of the linking with libnpp.

Regarding the static linking with libnpp, I have already mentioned the reasons for this. And the main one is that in this way you don't have to recompile the binary when changing the video driver. Think of the problem of kernel modules and the graphic drivers as an example, when the kernel version is changed you have to recompile the driver. Wouldn't it be better not to do this? With this configuration (fully optional) you can achieve that with FFMpeg & nVidia drivers.

And as for linking or not with other libraries, it may be possible to improve the patch. What I've published is based on previous work you did yourself. Therefore, perhaps we can work together to improve that option. You agree?

In any case, I fully recommend adding the option (by default disabled) of statically linking with libnpp.


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