[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] lavfi: add sobel, prewitt, roberts filters

Danil Iashchenko danyaschenko at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 03:23:50 EEST 2018

Add opencl version of sobel, prewitt, roberts filters.
 configure                           |   3 +
 libavfilter/Makefile                |   8 +-
 libavfilter/allfilters.c            |   3 +
 libavfilter/opencl/convolution.cl   |  82 ++++++++++
 libavfilter/vf_convolution_opencl.c | 306 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 5 files changed, 353 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 6ad5ce8..2c6360d 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -3372,12 +3372,14 @@ perspective_filter_deps="gpl"
 pp_filter_deps="gpl postproc"
 procamp_vaapi_filter_deps="vaapi VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer"
 removelogo_filter_deps="avcodec avformat swscale"
 sab_filter_deps="gpl swscale"
@@ -3396,6 +3398,7 @@ showspectrumpic_filter_deps="avcodec"
 signature_filter_deps="gpl avcodec avformat"
 smartblur_filter_deps="gpl swscale"
 sofalizer_filter_deps="libmysofa avcodec"
diff --git a/libavfilter/Makefile b/libavfilter/Makefile
index 34333aa..aa94a6d 100644
--- a/libavfilter/Makefile
+++ b/libavfilter/Makefile
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ OBJS-$(CONFIG_COLORMATRIX_FILTER)            += vf_colormatrix.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_COLORSPACE_FILTER)             += vf_colorspace.o colorspace.o colorspacedsp.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_CONVOLUTION_FILTER)            += vf_convolution.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_CONVOLUTION_OPENCL_FILTER)     += vf_convolution_opencl.o opencl.o \
-	                                        opencl/convolution.o
+                                                opencl/convolution.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_CONVOLVE_FILTER)               += vf_convolve.o framesync.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_COPY_FILTER)                   += vf_copy.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_COREIMAGE_FILTER)              += vf_coreimage.o
@@ -294,6 +294,8 @@ OBJS-$(CONFIG_PP_FILTER)                     += vf_pp.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_PP7_FILTER)                    += vf_pp7.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_PREMULTIPLY_FILTER)            += vf_premultiply.o framesync.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_PREWITT_FILTER)                += vf_convolution.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_PREWITT_OPENCL_FILTER)         += vf_convolution_opencl.o opencl.o \
+                                                opencl/convolution.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_PROCAMP_VAAPI_FILTER)          += vf_procamp_vaapi.o vaapi_vpp.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_PROGRAM_OPENCL_FILTER)         += vf_program_opencl.o opencl.o framesync.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_PSEUDOCOLOR_FILTER)            += vf_pseudocolor.o
@@ -310,6 +312,8 @@ OBJS-$(CONFIG_REMOVELOGO_FILTER)             += bbox.o lswsutils.o lavfutils.o v
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_REPEATFIELDS_FILTER)           += vf_repeatfields.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_REVERSE_FILTER)                += f_reverse.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_ROBERTS_FILTER)                += vf_convolution.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_ROBERTS_OPENCL_FILTER)         += vf_convolution_opencl.o opencl.o \
+                                                opencl/convolution.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_ROTATE_FILTER)                 += vf_rotate.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_SAB_FILTER)                    += vf_sab.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_SCALE_FILTER)                  += vf_scale.o scale.o
@@ -338,6 +342,8 @@ OBJS-$(CONFIG_SIGNALSTATS_FILTER)            += vf_signalstats.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_SIGNATURE_FILTER)              += vf_signature.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_SMARTBLUR_FILTER)              += vf_smartblur.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_SOBEL_FILTER)                  += vf_convolution.o
+OBJS-$(CONFIG_SOBEL_OPENCL_FILTER)           += vf_convolution_opencl.o opencl.o \
+                                                opencl/convolution.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_SPLIT_FILTER)                  += split.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_SPP_FILTER)                    += vf_spp.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_SRCNN_FILTER)                  += vf_srcnn.o
diff --git a/libavfilter/allfilters.c b/libavfilter/allfilters.c
index e07fe67..f8bf177 100644
--- a/libavfilter/allfilters.c
+++ b/libavfilter/allfilters.c
@@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ extern AVFilter ff_vf_pp;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_pp7;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_premultiply;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_prewitt;
+extern AVFilter ff_vf_prewitt_opencl;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_procamp_vaapi;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_program_opencl;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_pseudocolor;
@@ -298,6 +299,7 @@ extern AVFilter ff_vf_removelogo;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_repeatfields;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_reverse;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_roberts;
+extern AVFilter ff_vf_roberts_opencl;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_rotate;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_sab;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_scale;
@@ -326,6 +328,7 @@ extern AVFilter ff_vf_signalstats;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_signature;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_smartblur;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_sobel;
+extern AVFilter ff_vf_sobel_opencl;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_split;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_spp;
 extern AVFilter ff_vf_srcnn;
diff --git a/libavfilter/opencl/convolution.cl b/libavfilter/opencl/convolution.cl
index 03ef4ef..a2ddeba 100644
--- a/libavfilter/opencl/convolution.cl
+++ b/libavfilter/opencl/convolution.cl
@@ -43,3 +43,85 @@ __kernel void convolution_global(__write_only image2d_t dst,
      float4 dstPix = convPix * div + bias;
      write_imagef(dst, loc, dstPix);
+__kernel void sobel_global(__write_only image2d_t dst,
+                           __read_only  image2d_t src,
+                             float div,
+                             float bias)
+    const sampler_t sampler = (CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE |
+                               CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE   |
+                               CLK_FILTER_NEAREST);
+    int2 loc = (int2)(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
+    float4 sum1 = read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1,-1)) * -1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 0,-1)) * -2 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 1,-1)) * -1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1, 1)) *  1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 0, 1)) *  2 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 1, 1)) *  1;
+    float4 sum2 = read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1,-1)) * -1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1, 0)) * -2 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1, 1)) * -1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 1,-1)) *  1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 1, 0)) *  2 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 1, 1)) *  1;
+    float4 dstPix = (sqrt(sum1*sum1 + sum2*sum2)) * div + bias;
+    write_imagef(dst, loc, dstPix);
+__kernel void prewitt_global(__write_only image2d_t dst,
+                             __read_only  image2d_t src,
+                             float div,
+                             float bias)
+    const sampler_t sampler = (CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE |
+                               CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE   |
+                               CLK_FILTER_NEAREST);
+    int2 loc = (int2)(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
+    float4 sum1 = read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1,-1)) *  1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 0,-1)) *  1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 1,-1)) *  1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1, 1)) * -1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 0, 1)) * -1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 1, 1)) * -1;
+    float4 sum2 = read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1,-1)) *  1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1, 0)) *  1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1, 1)) *  1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 1,-1)) * -1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 1, 0)) * -1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 1, 1)) * -1;
+    float4 dstPix = (sqrt(sum1*sum1 + sum2*sum2)) * div + bias;
+    write_imagef(dst, loc, dstPix);
+__kernel void roberts_global(__write_only image2d_t dst,
+                             __read_only  image2d_t src,
+                             float div,
+                             float bias)
+    const sampler_t sampler = (CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE |
+                               CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE   |
+                               CLK_FILTER_NEAREST);
+    int2 loc = (int2)(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
+    float4 sum1 = read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1,-1)) *  1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 0,-1)) * -1;
+    float4 sum2 = read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)(-1, 0)) * -1 +
+                  read_imagef(src, sampler, loc + (int2)( 0, 0)) *  1;
+    float4 dstPix = (sqrt(sum1*sum1 + sum2*sum2)) * div + bias;
+    write_imagef(dst, loc, dstPix);
diff --git a/libavfilter/vf_convolution_opencl.c b/libavfilter/vf_convolution_opencl.c
index 4d0ecf8..8d12191 100644
--- a/libavfilter/vf_convolution_opencl.c
+++ b/libavfilter/vf_convolution_opencl.c
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ typedef struct ConvolutionOpenCLContext {
     OpenCLFilterContext ocf;
     int              initialised;
-    cl_kernel        kernel;
+    cl_kernel        kernel, kernel_sobel, kernel_prewitt, kernel_roberts;
     cl_command_queue command_queue;
     char *matrix_str[4];
@@ -47,8 +47,11 @@ typedef struct ConvolutionOpenCLContext {
     cl_float rdivs[4];
     cl_float biases[4];
-} ConvolutionOpenCLContext;
+    cl_int planes;
+    cl_float scale;
+    cl_float delta;
+} ConvolutionOpenCLContext;
 static int convolution_opencl_init(AVFilterContext *avctx)
@@ -76,6 +79,24 @@ static int convolution_opencl_init(AVFilterContext *avctx)
         err = AVERROR(EIO);
         goto fail;
+    ctx->kernel_sobel = clCreateKernel(ctx->ocf.program, "sobel_global", &cle);
+    if (!ctx->kernel_sobel) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create kernel: %d.\n", cle);
+        err = AVERROR(EIO);
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    ctx->kernel_prewitt = clCreateKernel(ctx->ocf.program, "prewitt_global", &cle);
+    if (!ctx->kernel_prewitt) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create kernel: %d.\n", cle);
+        err = AVERROR(EIO);
+        goto fail;
+    }
+    ctx->kernel_roberts = clCreateKernel(ctx->ocf.program, "roberts_global", &cle);
+    if (!ctx->kernel_roberts) {
+        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create kernel: %d.\n", cle);
+        err = AVERROR(EIO);
+        goto fail;
+    }
     ctx->initialised = 1;
     return 0;
@@ -85,6 +106,12 @@ fail:
     if (ctx->kernel)
+    if (ctx->kernel_sobel)
+        clReleaseKernel(ctx->kernel_sobel);
+    if (ctx->kernel_prewitt)
+        clReleaseKernel(ctx->kernel_prewitt);
+    if (ctx->kernel_roberts)
+        clReleaseKernel(ctx->kernel_roberts);
     return err;
@@ -163,6 +190,16 @@ static int convolution_opencl_make_filter_params(AVFilterContext *avctx)
     return 0;
+static int filters_opencl_make_filter_params(AVFilterContext *avctx)
+    ConvolutionOpenCLContext *ctx = avctx->priv;
+    ctx->delta /= 255.0;
+    return 0;
 static int convolution_opencl_filter_frame(AVFilterLink *inlink, AVFrame *input)
     AVFilterContext *avctx = inlink->dst;
@@ -170,9 +207,12 @@ static int convolution_opencl_filter_frame(AVFilterLink *inlink, AVFrame *input)
     ConvolutionOpenCLContext *ctx = avctx->priv;
     AVFrame *output = NULL;
     cl_int cle;
-    size_t global_work[2];
+    size_t global_work[2], width, height;
     cl_mem src, dst;
+    cl_kernel cur_kernel;
     int err, p;
+    size_t origin[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+    size_t region[3] = {0, 0, 1};
     av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Filter input: %s, %ux%u (%"PRId64").\n",
@@ -186,9 +226,16 @@ static int convolution_opencl_filter_frame(AVFilterLink *inlink, AVFrame *input)
         if (err < 0)
             goto fail;
-        err = convolution_opencl_make_filter_params(avctx);
-        if (err < 0)
-            goto fail;
+        if (!strcmp(avctx->filter->name, "convolution_opencl")) {
+            err = convolution_opencl_make_filter_params(avctx);
+            if (err < 0)
+                goto fail;
+        } else {
+            err = filters_opencl_make_filter_params(avctx);
+            if (err < 0)
+                goto fail;
+        }
     output = ff_get_video_buffer(outlink, outlink->w, outlink->h);
@@ -198,35 +245,97 @@ static int convolution_opencl_filter_frame(AVFilterLink *inlink, AVFrame *input)
     for (p = 0; p < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(output->data); p++) {
-        src = (cl_mem) input->data[p];
-        dst = (cl_mem)output->data[p];
+        src  = (cl_mem) input->data[p];
+        dst  = (cl_mem) output->data[p];
         if (!dst)
-        CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 0, cl_mem,   &dst);
-        CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 1, cl_mem,   &src);
-        CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 2, cl_int,   &ctx->dims[p]);
-        CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 3, cl_mem,   &ctx->matrix[p]);
-        CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 4, cl_float, &ctx->rdivs[p]);
-        CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 5, cl_float, &ctx->biases[p]);
-        err = ff_opencl_filter_work_size_from_image(avctx, global_work, output, p, 0);
-        if (err < 0)
-            goto fail;
-        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Run kernel on plane %d "
-               "(%"SIZE_SPECIFIER"x%"SIZE_SPECIFIER").\n",
-               p, global_work[0], global_work[1]);
-        cle = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx->command_queue, ctx->kernel, 2, NULL,
-                                     global_work, NULL,
-                                     0, NULL, NULL);
-        if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) {
-            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to enqueue kernel: %d.\n",
-                   cle);
-            err = AVERROR(EIO);
-            goto fail;
+        if (!strcmp(avctx->filter->name, "convolution_opencl")) {
+            CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 0, cl_mem,   &dst);
+            CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 1, cl_mem,   &src);
+            CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 2, cl_int,   &ctx->dims[p]);
+            CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 3, cl_mem,   &ctx->matrix[p]);
+            CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 4, cl_float, &ctx->rdivs[p]);
+            CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(ctx->kernel, 5, cl_float, &ctx->biases[p]);
+            err = ff_opencl_filter_work_size_from_image(avctx, global_work, output, p, 0);
+            if (err < 0)
+                goto fail;
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Run kernel on plane %d "
+                   "(%"SIZE_SPECIFIER"x%"SIZE_SPECIFIER").\n",
+                   p, global_work[0], global_work[1]);
+            cle = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx->command_queue, ctx->kernel, 2, NULL,
+                                         global_work, NULL,
+                                         0, NULL, NULL);
+            if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) {
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to enqueue kernel: %d.\n",
+                       cle);
+                err = AVERROR(EIO);
+                goto fail;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (!(ctx->planes & (1 << p))) {
+                cle = clGetImageInfo(src, CL_IMAGE_WIDTH,  sizeof(size_t),
+                                     &width, NULL);
+                if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) {
+                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query plane %d width: %d.\n",
+                           p, cle);
+                    err = AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+                    goto fail;
+                }
+                cle = clGetImageInfo(src, CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, sizeof(size_t),
+                                     &height, NULL);
+                if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) {
+                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query plane %d height: %d.\n",
+                           p, cle);
+                    err = AVERROR_UNKNOWN;
+                    goto fail;
+                }
+                region[0] = width;
+                region[1] = height;
+                cle = clEnqueueCopyImage(ctx->command_queue, src, dst, origin, origin, region, 0, NULL, NULL);
+                if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) {
+                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to copy plane %d: %d.\n",
+                           p, cle);
+                    err = AVERROR(EIO);
+                    goto fail;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (!strcmp(avctx->filter->name, "sobel_opencl")) {
+                    cur_kernel = ctx->kernel_sobel;
+                } else if (!strcmp(avctx->filter->name, "prewitt_opencl")){
+                    cur_kernel = ctx->kernel_prewitt;
+                } else if (!strcmp(avctx->filter->name, "roberts_opencl")){
+                    cur_kernel = ctx->kernel_roberts;
+                }
+                CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(cur_kernel, 0, cl_mem,   &dst);
+                CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(cur_kernel, 1, cl_mem,   &src);
+                CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(cur_kernel, 2, cl_float, &ctx->scale);
+                CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(cur_kernel, 3, cl_float, &ctx->delta);
+                err = ff_opencl_filter_work_size_from_image(avctx, global_work, output, p, 0);
+                if (err < 0)
+                    goto fail;
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Run kernel on plane %d "
+                       "(%"SIZE_SPECIFIER"x%"SIZE_SPECIFIER").\n",
+                       p, global_work[0], global_work[1]);
+                cle = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx->command_queue, cur_kernel, 2, NULL,
+                                                         global_work, NULL,
+                                                         0, NULL, NULL);
+                if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) {
+                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to enqueue kernel: %d.\n",
+                           cle);
+                    err = AVERROR(EIO);
+                    goto fail;
+                }
+            }
@@ -273,6 +382,24 @@ static av_cold void convolution_opencl_uninit(AVFilterContext *avctx)
             av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release "
                    "kernel: %d.\n", cle);
+    if (ctx->kernel_sobel) {
+        cle = clReleaseKernel(ctx->kernel_sobel);
+        if (cle != CL_SUCCESS)
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release "
+                   "kernel: %d.\n", cle);
+    }
+    if (ctx->kernel_prewitt) {
+        cle = clReleaseKernel(ctx->kernel_prewitt);
+        if (cle != CL_SUCCESS)
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release "
+                   "kernel: %d.\n", cle);
+    }
+    if (ctx->kernel_roberts) {
+        cle = clReleaseKernel(ctx->kernel_roberts);
+        if (cle != CL_SUCCESS)
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release "
+                   "kernel: %d.\n", cle);
+    }
     if (ctx->command_queue) {
         cle = clReleaseCommandQueue(ctx->command_queue);
@@ -284,8 +411,30 @@ static av_cold void convolution_opencl_uninit(AVFilterContext *avctx)
+static const AVFilterPad convolution_opencl_inputs[] = {
+    {
+        .name         = "default",
+        .type         = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
+        .filter_frame = &convolution_opencl_filter_frame,
+        .config_props = &ff_opencl_filter_config_input,
+    },
+    { NULL }
+static const AVFilterPad convolution_opencl_outputs[] = {
+    {
+        .name         = "default",
+        .type         = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
+        .config_props = &ff_opencl_filter_config_output,
+    },
+    { NULL }
 #define OFFSET(x) offsetof(ConvolutionOpenCLContext, x)
 static const AVOption convolution_opencl_options[] = {
     { "0m", "set matrix for 2nd plane", OFFSET(matrix_str[0]), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str="0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0"}, 0, 0, FLAGS },
     { "1m", "set matrix for 2nd plane", OFFSET(matrix_str[1]), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, {.str="0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0"}, 0, 0, FLAGS },
@@ -304,30 +453,63 @@ static const AVOption convolution_opencl_options[] = {
-static const AVFilterPad convolution_opencl_inputs[] = {
-    {
-        .name         = "default",
-        .type         = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
-        .filter_frame = &convolution_opencl_filter_frame,
-        .config_props = &ff_opencl_filter_config_input,
-    },
+AVFilter ff_vf_convolution_opencl = {
+    .name           = "convolution_opencl",
+    .description    = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Apply convolution mask to input video"),
+    .priv_size      = sizeof(ConvolutionOpenCLContext),
+    .priv_class     = &convolution_opencl_class,
+    .init           = &ff_opencl_filter_init,
+    .uninit         = &convolution_opencl_uninit,
+    .query_formats  = &ff_opencl_filter_query_formats,
+    .inputs         = convolution_opencl_inputs,
+    .outputs        = convolution_opencl_outputs,
+    .flags_internal = FF_FILTER_FLAG_HWFRAME_AWARE,
+static const AVOption sobel_opencl_options[] = {
+    { "planes", "set planes to filter", OFFSET(planes), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,  {.i64=15}, 0, 15, FLAGS},
+    { "scale",  "set scale",            OFFSET(scale), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1.0}, 0.0,  65535, FLAGS},
+    { "delta",  "set delta",            OFFSET(delta), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=0}, -65535, 65535, FLAGS},
     { NULL }
-static const AVFilterPad convolution_opencl_outputs[] = {
-    {
-        .name         = "default",
-        .type         = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
-        .config_props = &ff_opencl_filter_config_output,
-    },
+AVFilter ff_vf_sobel_opencl = {
+    .name           = "sobel_opencl",
+    .description    = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Apply sobel operator"),
+    .priv_size      = sizeof(ConvolutionOpenCLContext),
+    .priv_class     = &sobel_opencl_class,
+    .init           = &ff_opencl_filter_init,
+    .uninit         = &convolution_opencl_uninit,
+    .query_formats  = &ff_opencl_filter_query_formats,
+    .inputs         = convolution_opencl_inputs,
+    .outputs        = convolution_opencl_outputs,
+    .flags_internal = FF_FILTER_FLAG_HWFRAME_AWARE,
+static const AVOption prewitt_opencl_options[] = {
+    { "planes", "set planes to filter", OFFSET(planes), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,  {.i64=15}, 0, 15, FLAGS},
+    { "scale",  "set scale",            OFFSET(scale), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1.0}, 0.0,  65535, FLAGS},
+    { "delta",  "set delta",            OFFSET(delta), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=0}, -65535, 65535, FLAGS},
     { NULL }
-AVFilter ff_vf_convolution_opencl = {
-    .name           = "convolution_opencl",
-    .description    = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Apply convolution mask to input video"),
+AVFilter ff_vf_prewitt_opencl = {
+    .name           = "prewitt_opencl",
+    .description    = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Apply prewitt operator"),
     .priv_size      = sizeof(ConvolutionOpenCLContext),
-    .priv_class     = &convolution_opencl_class,
+    .priv_class     = &prewitt_opencl_class,
     .init           = &ff_opencl_filter_init,
     .uninit         = &convolution_opencl_uninit,
     .query_formats  = &ff_opencl_filter_query_formats,
@@ -335,3 +517,31 @@ AVFilter ff_vf_convolution_opencl = {
     .outputs        = convolution_opencl_outputs,
     .flags_internal = FF_FILTER_FLAG_HWFRAME_AWARE,
+static const AVOption roberts_opencl_options[] = {
+    { "planes", "set planes to filter", OFFSET(planes), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,  {.i64=15}, 0, 15, FLAGS},
+    { "scale",  "set scale",            OFFSET(scale), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=1.0}, 0.0,  65535, FLAGS},
+    { "delta",  "set delta",            OFFSET(delta), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=0}, -65535, 65535, FLAGS},
+    { NULL }
+AVFilter ff_vf_roberts_opencl = {
+    .name           = "roberts_opencl",
+    .description    = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Apply roberts operator"),
+    .priv_size      = sizeof(ConvolutionOpenCLContext),
+    .priv_class     = &roberts_opencl_class,
+    .init           = &ff_opencl_filter_init,
+    .uninit         = &convolution_opencl_uninit,
+    .query_formats  = &ff_opencl_filter_query_formats,
+    .inputs         = convolution_opencl_inputs,
+    .outputs        = convolution_opencl_outputs,
+    .flags_internal = FF_FILTER_FLAG_HWFRAME_AWARE,

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