[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] configure: use -r, not -E, for sed

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 23:36:16 EET 2018

2018-11-15 15:00 GMT+01:00, Lauri Kasanen <cand at gmx.com>:
> Old versions of sed do not support the -E option.

> -        VERSION_SCRIPT_POSTPROCESS_CMD='tr " " "\n" | sed -n
> /global:/,/local:/p | grep ";" | tr ";" "\n" | sed -E "s/(.+)/_\1/g" | sed
> -E "s/(.+[^*])$$$$/\1*/"'
> +        VERSION_SCRIPT_POSTPROCESS_CMD='tr " " "\n" | sed -n
> /global:/,/local:/p | grep ";" | tr ";" "\n" | sed -r "s/(.+)/_\1/g" | sed
> -r "s/(.+[^*])$$$$/\1*/"'

Could you try to replace the current command with one that
neither needs "-E" nor "-r"?
Your suggestions fixes antique Linux systems but not current
non-Linux Posix systems (and contradicts the documentation).

Carl Eugen

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