[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH V5 1/2] configure: sort decoder/encoder/filter/... names in alphabet order
avihpit at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 24 16:22:06 EEST 2019
> print_in_columns() {
> - cols=$(expr $ncols / 24)
> - cat | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | pr -r "-$cols" -w $ncols -t
> + # the input should not contain chars such as '*',
> + # otherwise, '*' will be expanded to be all files in the current
> + # working directory which don't begin with a dot (`.`)
> + set -- $(tr ' ' '\n' | sort)
> + col_width=24
> + if [ $ncols -lt $col_width ]; then
> + col_width=$ncols
> + fi
> + cols=$(($ncols / $col_width))
> + rows=$(($(($# + $cols - 1)) / $cols))
> + cols_seq=$(seq $cols)
> + rows_seq=$(seq $rows)
> + for row in $rows_seq; do
> + print_index=$row
> + print_line=""
> + for col in $cols_seq; do
> + if [ $print_index -le $# ]; then
> + eval print_line='"$print_line "${'$print_index'}'
> + fi
> + print_index=$(($print_index + $rows))
> + done
> + printf "%-${col_width}s" $print_line
> + printf "\n"
> + done | sed 's/ *$//'
> }
Looks good to me. No further comments (but I don't push).
Next time, know that you can use e.g. `$((x + y))` instead of `$(($x + $y))`,
though in this case it doesn't matter and not worth another version.
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