[FFmpeg-devel] [DECISION] Project policy on closed source components

Marton Balint cus at passwd.hu
Mon Apr 29 01:23:33 EEST 2019

On Sun, 28 Apr 2019, Marton Balint wrote:

> On Sun, 28 Apr 2019, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:
>> On Sun, 28 Apr 2019, at 22:02, Marton Balint wrote:
>>> 2) Should patches using closed source libraries which are not considered 
>>> "System Libraries" according to the GPL be rejected?
>> You mean "major components"?
>> (at no point does the GPLv2 mention "System Libraries".
> I meant the sytem libraries as in GPL v3.

Okay, now I am really confused, I thought the GPLv3 refers to the system 
libraries as the drivers interfaces, but that might not be a case, because 
that is also the major component?

If that is the case, then my intention was obvisouly major component, but 
I wonder what the system library means then in GPL v3?


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