[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avcodec/libvpxenc: add VP8 support for ROI-based encoding

Derek Buitenhuis derek.buitenhuis at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 19:02:55 EET 2019

On 27/02/2019 13:48, Gyan wrote:
> Huh. I haven't suggested removing anything.
> I suggested *adding* a way for this feature to be useful for ffmpeg 
> users in the near-term. Who knows how long will it take for a decent 
> per-frame ROI filter, like the facedetect example mentioned in the 
> initial discussion.

Apologies, I misread.

As for an AVOption: That could get ugly, fast. What do you pass it?
A string of ROI and offsets? That would balloon fast.

- Derek

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