[FFmpeg-devel] Bug in YUV decoder

Gyan ffmpeg at gyani.pro
Fri Mar 15 09:53:34 EET 2019

On 15-03-2019 12:05 PM, Ben Hutchinson wrote:
> Note that it does not matter what pixel format the encoder uses (j or
> non-j). This bug is only present in the decoder, and only when I select the
> non-j version of a yuv pixel format. This bug is present in the ffplay
> decoder (possibly also in the ffmpeg decoder, but I've not yet tested that).

Suspected bugs should be reported at trac.ffmpeg.org

This is not a decoder bug. ffplay uses SDL to render video; SDL supports 
a limited number of YUV texture formats. So, most YUV inputs are 
converted to yuv420p. Due to how the format negotiation happens, the 
YUVJ formats are converted to BGRA for display, which is of course, not 
subsampled. To emulate the same result with yuv444p, modify ffplay 
command to,

     ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv444p -framerate 10 -vf format=bgra -s 640x480 -

Decoder bugs are best tested with some type of framehash muxer.


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