[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] News: Removal of libndi

Marton Balint cus at passwd.hu
Sun Mar 24 19:33:34 EET 2019

On Sat, 23 Mar 2019, Thilo Borgmann wrote:

> Am 21.03.19 um 11:55 schrieb Michael Niedermayer:
>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 05:41:31PM -0400, Ronald S. Bultje wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 4:15 PM Gyan <ffmpeg at gyani.pro> wrote:
>>>> On 21-03-2019 01:32 AM, Marton Balint wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 20 Mar 2019, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 20 Mar 2019, at 20:52, Marton Balint wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 20 Mar 2019, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 20 Mar 2019, at 19:34, Marton Balint wrote:
>>>>>>>>> As I described in similar threads before, whether or not the
>>>>>>> project want >> closed source support for NDI is a subjective issue,
>>>>>>> please start a vote >> about the removal of libndi if you want to
>>>>>>> seek this through.
>>>>>>>> The removal of libndi is actually done and committed.
>>>>>>> That is just sad an unfair.
>>>>>> Sad, maybe.
>>>>>> Unfair, I disagree. If NDI wants to be in, they know what to do.
>>>>> It is unfair towards the people who expressied disapproval, yet this
>>>>> change was committed without neither vote nor consensus.
>>>> +1. This was a political decision, not a technical one. A formal(-ish)
>>>> survey should have happened on the ML.
>>> I agree we need a formal vote on this. I would like to set a wider project
>>> policy w.r.t. closed-source software integration, this is just one instance
>>> of a more general issue.
>> I think there should have been a vote before pushing a commit as there where
>> FFmpeg developers objecting to it.
>> Ignoring people causes nothing good. Had there been a vote people would be
>> alot less upset about it as everyones oppinion would be counted equally
>> It makes me unhappy that one FFmpeg developer apparently decided to leave
>> the project already because of this. 
>> I think we should fix this, make a proper policy, with a proper vote
>> and then hopefully noone feels the need to leave.
> +1
>>> Who wants to organize it?
>> Thilo organized the last vote, maybe he wants to do it ?
>> but if noone else wants to do it i can do one too if people want and
>> there is consensus who can vote
>> If i search for "open source vote free" on google it points to 
>> vote.heliosvoting.org as first hit
>> this seems rather basic but for simple yes/no questions it could work
>> maybe someone has a better suggestion we could use for more complex future
>> cases that is multiple choice votes in teh future (schulze STV / CPO-STV
>> for multiwinner or ScottishSTV (used by SPI), schulze method (used by debian)
>> for one winner of N choices would be nice to have) 
> Including for simple yes/no votes we can use the same LimeSurvey host we got provided from KDE for the survey. Also for anonymous votes.
> If people want it, we can setup a poll anytime. Most important would be a list of people allowed to vote (as of mail subscribed to FFmpeg-devel).

The last time we used the Voting Committe these people were on it:

Original committe:
     Michael Niedermayer
     Clément Bœsch
     James Almer
     Paul B Mahol
     Carl Eugen Hoyos
     Andreas Cadhalpun
     Ronald S. Bultje
     Lukasz Marek
     Rostislav Pehlivanov
     Hendrik Leppkes
     Christophe Gisquet
     Reynaldo H. Verdejo Pinochet
First extension:
     Nicolas George
     Rodger Combs
     Stefano Sabatini
     Timothy Gu
Second extension:
     Ganesh Ajjanagadde
     Lou Logan
     Marton Balint
     Philip Langdale
     Reimar Döffinger
(There was a 3rd extension attempt but that was rejected in the 
discussion phase)

Emails can be generated from git log relatively easily for each member 
(the last 50 commits are queried to be able to notice ambiguities):

git log -n 50 --pretty=format:%ce --committer='Author Name <' |sort | uniq

I suggest we first do a vote one the extension. Michael used this in the 
past to propose the list of people to add:

git log libav/master..master --no-merges  --since=2014-10-25T00:00:00Z --until 2015-10-25T00:00:00Z --pretty=fuller | grep '^Commit:' | sed 's/<.*//' |sort | uniq -c | sort -nr



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