[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avformat/movenc: write the colr atom by default

Michael Bradshaw mjbshaw at google.com
Mon Apr 13 20:58:50 EEST 2020

At the risk of being too non-committal, attached patch is mostly the same
but leaves the write_colr flag as experimental. I would love to remove the
write_colr flag entirely but we should provide some kind of escape hatch to
allow ffmpeg to write "unspecified" (enum value 2) values for the colr atom
(after all, these are legitimate values in H.273). Here are the reasons I'm
not sold on stabilizing write_colr right now:

   - It only fixes mov files. mkv has the same problem. It would be nice to
   stabilize a solution that isn't per-format.
   - I'm not motivated to spend the time exploring and debating alternative
   solutions like signaling "unspecified" (enum value 2) values differently
   from "unset" (no value from H.273) somehow (e.g., use enum value -1, or add
   a separate bool flag to signal whether the values are just ffmpeg defaults
   or not).
   - This approach solves the use cases with which I'm most familiar. I'm
   not as familiar with situations where people want to write "unspecified"
   enum values in the colr atom. I'd rather leave this for other people (who
   hopefully have more experience (and opinions) on this than I do).
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