[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] doc/muxers: add missing MOV muxer options

Gyan Doshi ffmpeg at gyani.pro
Fri Mar 13 06:32:37 EET 2020

On 13-03-2020 12:08 am, Lou Logan wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Lou Logan <lou at lrcd.com>
> ---
> The options for this muxer have a separate section about fragmenting.
> I tried to organize the missing options into the proper sections, but
> I don't use fragmenting so I may have placed them in the wrong section.

I already started on this after I added the MOV demuxer options.

But this is a good start. I'll probably want to expand descriptions 
later on.

Will have a look and push this weekend.


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