[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 1/2] Revert "avformat/dashdec: refine adaptionset attribute members"

Steven Liu lq at chinaffmpeg.org
Sun Mar 29 02:05:37 EET 2020

> 2020年3月29日 上午8:03,Andreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt at gmail.com> 写道:
> Steven Liu:
>>> 2020年3月29日 上午7:48,Andreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt at gmail.com> 写道:
>>> Steven Liu:
>>>> This reverts commit e134c20374ee3cbc6d04885d306b02c9871683a2.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Steven Liu <lq at chinaffmpeg.org>
>>>> ---
>>>> libavformat/dashdec.c | 27 ---------------------------
>>>> 1 file changed, 27 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/libavformat/dashdec.c b/libavformat/dashdec.c
>>>> index 5bbe5d3985..271202b0a5 100644
>>>> --- a/libavformat/dashdec.c
>>>> +++ b/libavformat/dashdec.c
>>>> @@ -122,19 +122,6 @@ struct representation {
>>>> typedef struct DASHContext {
>>>>    const AVClass *class;
>>>>    char *base_url;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_contenttype_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_par_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_lang_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_minbw_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_maxbw_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_minwidth_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_maxwidth_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_minheight_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_maxheight_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_minframerate_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_maxframerate_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_segmentalignment_val;
>>>> -    char *adaptionset_bitstreamswitching_val;
>>>>    int n_videos;
>>>>    struct representation **videos;
>>>> @@ -1124,26 +1111,12 @@ static int parse_manifest_adaptationset(AVFormatContext *s, const char *url,
>>>>                                        xmlNodePtr period_segmentlist_node)
>>>> {
>>>>    int ret = 0;
>>>> -    DASHContext *c = s->priv_data;
>>>>    xmlNodePtr fragment_template_node = NULL;
>>>>    xmlNodePtr content_component_node = NULL;
>>>>    xmlNodePtr adaptionset_baseurl_node = NULL;
>>>>    xmlNodePtr adaptionset_segmentlist_node = NULL;
>>>>    xmlNodePtr adaptionset_supplementalproperty_node = NULL;
>>>>    xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_contenttype_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "contentType");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_par_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "par");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_lang_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "lang");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_minbw_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "minBandwidth");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_maxbw_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "maxBandwidth");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_minwidth_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "minWidth");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_maxwidth_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "maxWidth");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_minheight_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "minHeight");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_maxheight_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "maxHeight");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_minframerate_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "minFrameRate");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_maxframerate_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "maxFrameRate");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_segmentalignment_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "segmentAlignment");
>>>> -    c->adaptionset_bitstreamswitching_val = xmlGetProp(adaptionset_node, "bitstreamSwitching");
>>>>    node = xmlFirstElementChild(adaptionset_node);
>>>>    while (node) {
>>> Is there a reason you are not simply using my patch for this? It has a
>>> better commit message. Do you mind if I apply my patch?
>> This is revert, your patch is delete, isn't it?
> My patch has the same diff as yours. Given that the patch to be reverted
> didn't delete anything, its revert just removes lines and doesn't add
> any old lines back.
No, your patch is a patch commit, this is a git revert, this can revert the old commit, your patch can save old commit.
> - Andreas
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Steven Liu

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