[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 2/4] avfilter/vf_framerate: if metadata lavfi.scd.mafd exists, we'll use it first

Marton Balint cus at passwd.hu
Thu May 14 22:00:21 EEST 2020

On Thu, 14 May 2020, Marton Balint wrote:

> On Thu, 14 May 2020, Nicolas George wrote:
>> Marton Balint (12020-05-14):
>>> I am not a huge fan of this patch, mafd refers to a score between this 
> frame
>>> and the previous frame, we cannot ensure that there were no additional 
> frame
>>> processing between scdet and this filter which may have duplicated or
>>> removed frames. So I'd rather not add this feature.
>> It can only happen if the user has put filters in the middle. I move we
>> trust users who insert such obscure filters to do what they want to, or
>> to fix their issues if they have some.
> Fine, I am not blocking this if null pointer deref issues are fixed.
> I think we can also assume that if the metadata exists, it will contain a 
> valid number, so I suggest this code:
>         e_mafd = av_dict_get(next->metadata, "lavfi.scd.mafd", NULL, 
>         if (e_mafd) {
>             mafd = strtod(e_mafd->value, NULL);
>         } else {
>             s->sad(crnt->data[0], crnt->linesize[0], next->data[0], 
> next->linesize[0], crnt->width, crnt->height, &sad);
>             emms_c();
>             mafd = (double)sad * 100.0 / (crnt->width * crnt->height) / (1 
> << s->bitdepth);
>         }

Why this patch was committed without a recent review???


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