[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 3/7] avcodec/mediacodecenc: use bsf to handle crop
Tomas Härdin
git at haerdin.se
Mon Dec 12 17:27:46 EET 2022
lör 2022-12-10 klockan 01:22 +0800 skrev Zhao Zhili:
> From: Zhao Zhili <zhilizhao at tencent.com>
> It's well known that mediacodec encoder requires 16x16 alignment.
> Use our bsf to fix the crop info.
> ---
> v3: don't change the dimension for AV_PIX_FMT_MEDIACODEC. It can have
> side effect.
Looks like this silently crops? Is that really a good idea? We usually
don't do stuff like that. For example codecs that require even
dimensions complain loudly then fail.
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