[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/2] avcodec/{ass, webvttdec}: fix handling of backslashes

Soft Works softworkz at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 6 03:37:57 EET 2022

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ffmpeg-devel <ffmpeg-devel-bounces at ffmpeg.org> On Behalf Of Soft
> Works
> Sent: Sunday, February 6, 2022 2:09 AM
> To: FFmpeg development discussions and patches <ffmpeg-
> devel at ffmpeg.org>
> Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/2] avcodec/{ass, webvttdec}: fix
> handling of backslashes
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: ffmpeg-devel <ffmpeg-devel-bounces at ffmpeg.org> On Behalf Of
> > Oneric
> > Sent: Saturday, February 5, 2022 11:00 PM
> > To: FFmpeg development discussions and patches <ffmpeg-
> > devel at ffmpeg.org>
> > Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/2] avcodec/{ass, webvttdec}:
> fix
> > handling of backslashes
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 05, 2022 at 02:08:48 +0000, Soft Works wrote:
> > > Let's try to approach this from a different side. Which case is
> > > your [1/2] commit actually supposed to fix?
> >
> > Escape backslashes when converting from WebVTT to not accidentally
> > introduce active ASS sequences and replace the wrong backslash-
> escape
> > in ff_ass_bprint_text_event with an escape that actually works.
> >
> > > How did you test your patch?
> > > Can we please go over an example?
> >
> > Take a look at the attached WebVTT file.
> Thanks a lot for the test file!
> > We expect the second event to be rendered like this,
> > as from WebVTT’s point of view it’s just normal text:
> >
> >   our final \h approach \N into \ Coruscant.
> >
> > What we currently get after conversion to ASS is like this though
> > (pay attention to the number of spaces):
> >
> >   our final   approach
> >   into \ Coruscant.
> Yup, no doubt that this is wrong.
> > If instead the word-joiner is appended as in my patch, the
> > visual output matches the expectation (mail does not contain
> U+2060):
> >
> >   our final \h approach \N into \ Coruscant.
> I can also confirm that your patch would "work" with regards
> to ass output when trying with both "old" libass and new libass.
> I haven't tried with other implementations yet, but when this
> would turn out to be working with all usual implementations,
> I might even be OK with the word-joiner.
> But this is where the agreement ends.
> - If at all, the word-joiner insertion would need to be
>   limited to ASS output ONLY
> - it would need to be controllable through an option in the ASS
>   encoder
> - The word joiners should not be used in internal processing and
>   only be (optionally) added when encoding to ass
> - Unfortunately, the FATE tests for the other subtitle formats
>   do not include these sequences in the test source files, and
>   that means, before making such change that might potentially
>   affect all other text subtitle encoders, those sequences would
>   need to be added to make sure these conversion won't be affected
> - Generally, those changes (also the BIDI mark insertion) should
>   be evaluated with regards to all text subtitle encoders,
>   making sure there's no side effect.
> You said:
> > I’m not interested in reworking ffmpeg’s internal subtitle handling.
> > The proposed patch is a clear improvement over the status quo which
> > is plain incorrect. Within reasonable effort and sound arguments for
> > it adjustments to the patch can be made; reworking ffmpeg internals
> is
> > imo not “reasonable” effort to correct an uncontestedly wrong
> escape.
> And that is a problem. The changes you are proposing are making
> changes to ffmpeg’s internal subtitle handling, so you need to decide
> whether you want to work on it or not.
> > You have two options:
> [..]
> > Or go ahead and create your own patch.
> I will do this, but "only" on top of my subtitle filtering patchset
> because that's my current focus area and just two weeks ago I had to
> add a temporary hack for a related case which is about ASS dialog
> lines
> like:
> Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{comment text:
> \....}
> Currently, ffmpeg does not recognize this as override code, even
> though
> it's valid in ASS that a backslash with the actual code doesn't appear
> immediately after the opening curly brace.
> What comes on top of this is that other subtitle decoders do NOT
> escape
> the curly braces like WebVTTdec and ass_bprint_text_event().
> When you look at SubRip_capability_tester.srt from the FATE suite, you
> can see that it contains ASS codes that are expected to be recognized
> and applied, but when there's normal text in curly braces without
> a backslash, it should be treated at normal text.
> This is quite a mess that needs to be cleaned up with a plan and it's
> all related. Like I said already: A central point to this is the
> escaping
> and what's needed is a solution that can cover all of those things.
> I had put this subject aside as I've been unsure about how to do it,
> but this discussion has been very helpful to see the issues more
> clearly.
> How about separating the BIDI part from your patch? I'd see only two
> things remaining:
> - Go through all text subtitle encoders and think/research whether
>   those marks would be acceptable in those formats or whether they
>   would need to be removed (like now)
> - Think about whether the Unicode bidi marks should be replaced back
>   to the html-style codes
>   It's not these wouldn't work, but it's again about visibility and
>   I tend to think that it would be preferable to have them visible
>   in the output
> softworkz

What I would also find acceptable is to just remove the escaping of
backslashes in ff_ass_bprint_text_event() without adding a word-joiner,
as this is clearly nonsense and it would still be an improvement.


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