[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 5/6] fftools: avradio support

Tomas Härdin git at haerdin.se
Mon Jul 24 23:22:05 EEST 2023

mån 2023-07-24 klockan 10:13 +0200 skrev Nicolas George:
> Tomas Härdin (12023-07-23):
> > No to this entire patchset.
> 404 argument not found.
> > Users can test libavradio's master if they wish. Do not assume
> > merging
> > this fork will happen, especially not without TC approval, nor that
> > trying to sneak it in won't be noticed and opposed.
> A striving Libre Software project works by compromise. I see no
> intent
> of compromise at all in your position.

Features either are or aren't in scope. I don't see how you can
compromise on that.

> > Why would they package it when there already are mature programs
> > like
> > gqrx, dablin etc? Programs that feature separation of concerns. See
> > for
> > example hacktv which uses ffmpeg, libhackrf and libsoapysdr without
> > insisting on being part of either
> Oh, yes.
> And these idiots working on the Linux kernel

The Linux kernel also has separation of concerns. It has a concept of
userland for example, unlike say TempleOS. Not everything is in scope
for the Linux project.

> >              I know this because it's going to cause headaches for
> > this
> > project to care about maintaining compatibility with a fork that
> > doesn't want to pretend it's a fork.
> This is very dishonest. Maintaining a fork only causes headaches to
> the
> people who do it, and you have made amply clear that would not be
> you.
> In fact, quite the opposite, you were one the loudest demanding that
> one
> of our most talented hacker waste his time on maintaining a separate
> build system instead of doing creative and useful work.

I have 63 forks of ffmpeg alone. I don't see the problem.

As for me being loudest, someone has to be. As a licensed amateur radio
operator I also happen to have domain knowledge, which is why I know
radio stuff will affect the code in profound ways, as we are already
seeing evidence of. These are hard-gotten learns.


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