[FFmpeg-devel] VDD conference invitation - Dublin 22-24 Sept 2023

Cosmin Stejerean cosmin at cosmin.at
Fri Sep 8 20:39:06 EEST 2023

> On Sep 8, 2023, at 6:09 AM, Michael Niedermayer <michael at niedermayer.cc> wrote:
> modern video encoders where no longer added to ffmpeg

Writing a good modern video encoder is a massive undertaking, and i think it's likely that encoders are going to be mostly integrated via libraries. 

Along those lines though, one pattern that's becoming more popular particularly recently integrated encoder libraries is to move options into an opaque key-value string that's passed to the encoder library. For example svtav1-params. This makes sense because the parameters are frequently changing with new versions and it's hard to keep that in sync. However it gives up the self-documentation when running ffmpeg -h encoder=libsvtav1 for example.

It would be nice if there were some facilities for encoders to expose their parameters to ffmpeg including min/max or value list, the default value and a description such that running -h can show a useful help message. This would also allow ffmpeg to validate the parameters and possibly expose the options as proper -flags rather than requiring jamming them through a string blob.

- Cosmin

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