[FFmpeg-devel] libavc/libx264: add support to propagate SSE values through encoder stats

Carotti, Elias eliascrt at amazon.it
Sat Sep 23 13:04:28 EEST 2023

please find attached a patch to propagate the SSE for a frame into the
encoder stats.
Since libx264 already provides PSNR values, this is done by basically
inverting the formula to recover the SSE values.

Would it be possible to also append other values to the errors vector?
E.g., libx264 also computes SSIM but other values could be provided.


NICE SRL, viale Monte Grappa 3/5, 20124 Milano, Italia, Registro delle Imprese di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi REA n. 2096882, Capitale Sociale: 10.329,14 EUR i.v., Cod. Fisc. e P.IVA 01133050052, Societa con Socio Unico

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Name: 0001-Add-the-SSE-calculation-for-libx264.patch
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