[FFmpeg-devel] VDD 2023, FFmpeg meeting notes, (23-11-2023, 4pm, Dublin)

Marton Balint cus at passwd.hu
Sun Sep 24 15:36:20 EEST 2023

On Sun, 24 Sep 2023, Kyle Swanson wrote:

> ---
> -   Currently the DNS of ffmpeg.org is managed by Fabrice
> -   Michael was asked if he has control over the ffmpeg.org DNS register.
> -   Michael says he thinks he has some.
> -   Ronald would be curious to know what "some" means.
> -   Ronald proposes current project owners should have control over DNS and
> trademark.
> -   Ronald: Fabrice is not active, DNS and trademark should be in the
> control of project members.
> -   Michael: "i think fabrice should stay in ultimate control", "he has
> always acted in the best interests of the people".
> -   Ronald took a poll in the room, most agreed current project developers
> should have control of this.

I think you should define what you are aiming for exactly. Having more 
people control the domain zone, or asking Fabrice to transfer domain 
ownership to someone else or some legal entity.

I doubt anybody has problem with the former, but for the latter, knowing 
history, it will certainly raise eyebrows. IMHO having Fabrice ultimate 
control over the domain ensures that everybody plays nice.


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