[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Release 6.1
Michael Niedermayer
michael at niedermayer.cc
Wed Sep 27 23:18:29 EEST 2023
On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 03:53:56PM +0200, Tomas Härdin wrote:
> tis 2023-09-26 klockan 19:16 +0200 skrev Michael Niedermayer:
> > Anyway, i appologize for announcing SDR in 6.1. I was too much in
> > love with
> > SDR and how cool it would be ...
> This is why I have suggested many times that you should get involved in
> actual SDR projects. For example the FreeDV people have a spinoff
> project called FreeDATA (https://freedata.app/ which is all about
> sending data (including IP packets) over difficult channels. There is
> plenty of DSP work to be done in these projects. If you also get an
> amateur radio license then a whole world of experimentation opens up.
And you can repeat it as often as you want, iam not interrested.
Why do you not understand this ?
my interrest is/was specific to FFmpeg gaining SDR support
its that and ONLY that
Ive earlier this year written some code to monitor liquidations in AAVE
why? for fun, it was a excercise for solidity & python. It was not
usefull for anything really, only the miners can do liquidations profitably
I guess i should use my blog more to write about what iam doing ...
I didnt touch blockchain related coding after that IIRC
Then i looked into security issues in a random number generator of a hw
password manager.
Then i looked at SDR and wrote the AM/FM demodulation. It added a feature
that was and is IMO usefull to FFmpeg and libavdevice users.
(we know the rest ...)
Iam happy to maintain this code, Iam happy to improve and extend it
if it has users (which requires this to be in a release used by people
at some point)
I have no interrest and no time to do other things in SDR outside the
FFmpeg codebase. And if FFmpeg doesnt want it, ill put it in a personal
fork or whatever we call it.
after this ive spend some time implementing a basic transformer based NN
(this was bascially just an excercise so nothing to show).
There are many things i find interresting. (also non programming things like
chemistry, biology and so on but i totally lack the time for these)
In the past it was possible to align my random interrest with FFmpeg.
Like for example a mandelbrot fractal zoom filter.
People did not ask that to be put in a seperate general purpose fractal
With SDR they do ask for a seperate library. maybe we can organize the
existing code to make everyone happy. Maybe this will be a personal fork,
maybe it will grow and we will have a FFmpeg with many of my and other
peoples random projects. I dont know
But i dont feel drawn to any SDR projects, i hope above mail explains
better my point. I have too many interrests :)
Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB
It is what and why we do it that matters, not just one of them.
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