[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] 5 year plan & Inovation

epirat07 at gmail.com epirat07 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 00:15:48 EEST 2024

On 18 Apr 2024, at 22:15, Michael Niedermayer wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 10:19:50AM +0200, Stefano Sabatini wrote:
>> On date Wednesday 2024-04-17 19:21:39 -0700, Aidan wrote:
>>> The best option is to figure stuff out.
>> [...]
>>> I use FFmpeg to download HLS streams from the internet or convert files
>>> like probably most people do. FFmpeg is the ultimate way of doing this
>>> because there is no better option.
>>> But there are issues:
>> [...]
>>> I submitted a patch for a TTML decoder because I thought it would be great.
>>> It was completely ignored.
>> Please ping the patch or send a new one.
>>> If my patch was seriously bad, then fine. But seriously *no one cared*.
>> I think contribution management is a serious issue here.
>> What happens when you send a patch is that if you're lucky someone
>> will be interested and put some effort to review and eventually get it
>> pushed, which depending on several factors might require several
>> interactions.
>> Sometimes contributors are side-tracked or frustrated and the review
>> process is interrupted. Sometimes the reviewer won't reply, and the
>> review also might be stuck (in this case you might want to ping the
>> patch).
>> Sometimes there is no qualified or interested developer around, or
>> maybe those ones are busy with other things (and it's easy to miss
>> a patch, especially if you don't check emails since a few days and you
>> got hundreds of backlog emails).
>> In general, this is done on a best effort basis (read as: most
>> developers are volunteers and they might have job/families/stuff to
>> tend to), there is no guarantee that a patch might be reviewed in a
>> timely fashion.
>> This is not a problem specific with FFmpeg, but in general with most
>> FLOSS projects.
>> Probably we should find ways to fund such activites, so that a
>> developer can spend more time on reviewing work, but this comes with
>> other risks/issues (since managing money is also complex of potential
>> tensions in a mostly volunteering-based project).
>> It's also very difficult to track the sent patches, and that's why
>> having a Pull-Request process a-la github has been proposed several
>> times; we cannot switch to github for several reasons (licensing and
>> affilitation issues with platform owner) and handling your own gitlab
>> is costly and we lack volunteers at the moment.
>> We are using patchwork to mitigate the tracking issue:
>> https://patchwork.ffmpeg.org/project/ffmpeg/list/
>> but that's not really providing an effective workflow.
>> Personally I find the status tracking confusing, e.g.:
>> https://patchwork.ffmpeg.org/project/ffmpeg/list/?series=&submitter=&state=&q=TTML&archive=both&delegate=
>> I cannot easily figure out what was integrated and what not.
> Would it help if i add a "patch" type to trac.ffmpeg.org ?
> If patches are missed on patchwork or its confusing, then
> patch authors could open such a ticket type=patch that points to the patchwork patch
> as tickets have all the metadata from keywords over priority to component
> and do also allow voting. It may help keeping track of patches and also
> allow the community to express their preferance with voting.

Just stating the obvious here but GitLab/Gitea/Forgejo or similar
would solve this without needing absolutely weird workarounds
like this…

> thx
> [...]
> -- 
> Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB
> When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and
> there is nothing more to fear from them, then he is always stirring up
> some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader. -- Plato
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