[FFmpeg-devel] Extend the PATH buffer to 2048 for RTSP

Stefano Mandelli algebrato at lcm.mi.infn.it
Wed Aug 7 10:03:01 EEST 2024

Recently, I have been experiencing an increasing number
of user that use ffmpeg to retrive RTSP stream from
personal mediaproxies (e.g. MediaMtx) with
authorization based on JWT. The current length of PATH
does not permit to insert the token in the URL failing
the authorization with no possibilities to get the video.

VLC has just modified the RSTP max URL length, and it
permits to use token inside the URL.

For these reasons, I propose this patch to extend the
PATH buffer from 1024 to 2048 in order to use tokens
and the authorization process based on JWT.

diff --git a/libavformat/rtsp.c b/libavformat/rtsp.c
index 19b93df839..d8f45cf8d5 100644
--- a/libavformat/rtsp.c
+++ b/libavformat/rtsp.c
@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ void ff_rtsp_close_connections(AVFormatContext *s)
 int ff_rtsp_connect(AVFormatContext *s)
     RTSPState *rt = s->priv_data;
-    char proto[128], host[1024], path[1024];
+    char proto[128], host[1024], path[2048];
     char tcpname[1024], cmd[MAX_URL_SIZE], auth[128];
     const char *lower_rtsp_proto = "tcp";
	 int port, err, tcp_fd;

	 .''`.	Stefano Mandelli
	: :' :	GitHub:  algebrato 
	`. `'   Discord: Algebrato#0039
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