[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] MAINTAINERS: Add more fields based on the linux kernel MAINTAINERs

Rémi Denis-Courmont remi at remlab.net
Thu Aug 15 11:24:31 EEST 2024

Le 15 août 2024 10:33:07 GMT+03:00, Michael Niedermayer <michael at niedermayer.cc> a écrit :
>Text was stolen from the linux kernel
>This is thus identical to the kernel just a different more compact format.
>I am very happy also to switch the file entirely to the format of the linux kernel maintainer list
>if people prefer
>This allows tracking the status of each sub system, if it needs new blood or not
>It allows people to specify a separate webpage / document describing the subsystem
>It allows people to ask for bug reports to be mailed to them instead of just
>sent to trac.
>It allows listing things like gitlab or github or anything else where to
>submit patches. This could be used both for testing new patch submission systems
>as well as permanently honoring the preferance of the developers maintaining a

We don't really have a process for managing subsystems, and however large FFmpeg is (compared to most OSS projects), it's only about as active as a single active Linux subsystem.

If people feel that Ffmpeg-devel has too much traffic then I'll gladly move RISC-V to code.videolan.org. But I haven't really noticed anybody making such complaint.

I don't think we should break FFmpeg development up into silos unless it's become unmanageably large otherwise.

>It allows listing a separate tree where development happens, and against which
>thus patches should be done.
>Overall this gives us/the people many more options on how to maintain their stuff
>Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <michael at niedermayer.cc>
> MAINTAINERS | 18 +++++++++++++++++-
> 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>index 6ce8bc86393..44efd9bc00a 100644
>@@ -6,10 +6,26 @@ FFmpeg code.
> Please try to keep entries where you are the maintainer up to date!
>-Names in () mean that the maintainer currently has no time to maintain the code.
>+*Status*, one of the following:
>+[X] Old code. Something tagged obsolete generally means it has been replaced by a better system and you should be using that.
>+[0] No current maintainer [but maybe you could take the role as you write your new code].
>+[1] It has a maintainer but they don't have time to do much other than throw the odd patch in.
>+[2] Someone actually looks after it.
> A (CC <address>) after the name means that the maintainer prefers to be CC-ed on
> patches and related discussions.
>+(L <address>) *Mailing list* that is relevant to this area
>+(W <aadress>) *Web-page* with status/info
>+(B <address>) URI for where to file *bugs*. A web-page with detailed bug
>+              filing info, a direct bug tracker link, or a mailto: URI.
>+(P <address>) *Subsystem Profile* document for more details submitting
>+              patches to the given subsystem. This is either an in-tree file,
>+              or a URI. See Documentation/maintainer/maintainer-entry-profile.rst
>+              for details.
>+(T <address>) *SCM* tree type and location.
>+              Type is one of: git, hg, quilt, stgit, topgit
> Applications
> ============

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