[FFmpeg-devel] Sovereign Tech Fund

Kieran Kunhya kierank at obe.tv
Sun Jan 28 20:59:22 EET 2024

> > Statements of Work and milestones (by definition) are for features.
> The SoW suggestion/need came from a lawyer that jonatas asked IIUC.
> so i can just suggest to put work like what you list above into a SOW like
> framework. Or maybe Jonatas can clarify, in case i misunderstood

My point is that ongoing maintenance can't be split into discrete pieces of
work, nor arguably can a given timescale be associated with cleanup.
For example YUVJ is difficult, until you remove it and see the bugs you
don't know how long it will take. This is not suited to the bounty/SoW

We don't need STF to be funding features, we need maintenance,
infrastructure etc which all lends itself to salaried work.


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