[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avformat/tls_schannel: forward AVIO_FLAG_NONBLOCK to tcp stream

Gyan Doshi ffmpeg at gyani.pro
Wed Jun 19 07:38:00 EEST 2024

On 2024-06-18 11:53 pm, Timo Rothenpieler wrote:
> On 18.06.2024 18:56, Gyan Doshi wrote:
>> FWIW, I had to do the same for securetransport on a project a couple 
>> of years back to get rtmps working. Worked fine, and did not get any 
>> reports of ill-effects.
> You mean the FFmpeg implementation of rtmps?
> Cause if so, I think that only makes use of nonblocking mode for 
> receiving, not sending.
> So it wouldn't run into this if it was wrong.

IIRC, the setup/handshake phase would never complete.

Adding this fixed it

+    TLSShared *s = &c->tls_shared;
+    int set_flag_nonblock = 0;
+    if (h->flags & AVIO_FLAG_NONBLOCK && !(s->tcp->flags & 
+        s->tcp->flags |= AVIO_FLAG_NONBLOCK;
+        set_flag_nonblock = 1;
+    }
      int read = ffurl_read(c->tls_shared.tcp, data, requested);
+    if (set_flag_nonblock)
+        s->tcp->flags &= ~AVIO_FLAG_NONBLOCK;


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