[FFmpeg-devel] RFC - Uncompressed MP4

martin schitter ms+git at mur.at
Sat Oct 5 04:55:30 EEST 2024

On 04.10.24 18:10, Devon Sookhoo wrote:
> I thought the option  "-c:v rawvideo"  was the way to go because it's used
> to generate an uncompressed avi file:
> $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4  -c:v rawvideo  out.avi

For the older simpler file formats, where only a rather small set of 
supported image format configurations were available, this kind of 
handling may indeed have worked sufficient. But even under this rather 
limited circumstances, you always had to take care of the actually used 
pixel format and very often set/correct/enforce it explicitly.

In principle you could adapt such a combination of -c:v rawvideo and 
-pix_fmt for this kind of mp4 content as well, but I doubt that it will 
work satisfactorily in practice. The range of possible configuration 
variants is huge and not all of them correspond in a strict one-to-one 
relation already defined ffmpeg pixel formats.

A more format specific video codec specifier (= -c:v ...) and suitable 
options for all the format specific export configuration parameters 
looks much more useful to me -- but I may be wrong.


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