[FFmpeg-devel] new packed pixel formats (machine vision)

Diederick C. Niehorster dcnieho at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 22:17:42 EEST 2024

Dear Lynne,

On Tue, Oct 8, 2024 at 1:11 PM Lynne via ffmpeg-devel
<ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org> wrote:

Thank you for your quick and helpful answer! However I have several questions.

> We have support for AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_RGGB16, since its a common Bayer
> layout that cinema cameras output, so its definitely within the scope
> and not some application-specific pixfmt.
> RGGB10 is just a bitpacked version.


> Unfortunately, we do not directly support 10bit packed pixel formats,
> since we can't fit them into our definition, as we only support
> byte-aligned formats.

Non byte-aligned formats can be represented with
AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_BITSTREAM right? I see AV_PIX_FMT_XV30BE as (the only)
example. I am quite possibly misunderstanding.
My first example AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_RGGB10 is byte-aligned by the way,
but the problem is that the R and B components would have a depth of
2.5 bits (10/4) in the scheme that ffmpeg uses, so can't be correctly
defined. Though i wonder if a rounded value (one up to 3 other down to
2) is the solution here, since these are only informative (correct?)
and 3+5+2=10 so would be correct for this 10bit format.

> We treat those as codecs, for example AV_CODEC_ID_V210 and
> The format would have to be implemented as a codec, with a decoder that
> accepts AV_CODEC_ID_RGGB10 and outputs AV_PIX_FMT_RGGB16, setting
> avctx->bits_per_sample to 10 to indicate how many bits are used.

Hmm, but how would that work? If i understand correctly, I would
package the raw image data in AVPackets and use the decoder I'd write
to turn them into AVFrames, that i can then use as i wish.
That is a lot more complicated than adding these as pixel formats and
having swscale support them as an input format, since then I could
directly package the video data in an AVFrame and benefit from auto
conversion insertion during format negotiation and feed these new
pixel formats into anything without needing to special case with the
extra decoder in between.

> The decoder would simply call get_bits(10) and set each output pixel to
> the value it gets, nothing complex. You can see how
> libavcodec/bitpacked_enc.c operates and use it as a template.

Thanks for these tips!

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