[FFmpeg-devel] Howto utilize GPU acceleration outside expected places?

martin schitter ms+git at mur.at
Fri Oct 11 01:25:04 EEST 2024

On 10.10.24 11:27, Lynne via ffmpeg-devel wrote:
> Petro Mozil wrote a Vulkan VC-2 decoder that'll soon get merged:
> https://github.com/pmozil/FFmpeg

Thanks for this very useful link!

I'll definitely have to study this uncommon vulkan dirac implementation 
and learn from it.

> Its an example on how to accelerate via compute shaders. What he did was 
> he simply introduced vc2_vulkan as a hwaccel. It makes sense, even for 
> partially accelerated codecs, since the hwaccel infrastructure handles 
> everything for you, **including a fallback for CPU decoding**, and users 
> automatically get accelerated support.

Interesting! -- I wouldn't have expected this behavior...

I still have to look at more closely at this topic, but thanks again for 
this really instructive hint!


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