[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Extend delogo area to a superellipse

Jörg Habenicht j.habenicht at gmx.de
Sat Feb 8 00:34:16 EET 2025

Dear list,

with help from Michael I extended the ellipse area to a superellipse.

The user parameter 'r' has changed to become a float value.
Values 0 < r < 1 the area looks like a four edge star.
Value r = 1 the area get a rhombus.
Values 1 < r < 2 the area is a rhombus with concave sides.
Value r = 2 the area is an ellipse or a circle.
Values 2 < r the area looks like a rectangular with round edges.
Value = 0 (default, unset) the area is rectangular.

Because of the usage of math functions I added more code testing
the return values.

The parameter r=2 to get an ellipse delogo area seems non intuitive
to me. We should add a better description for the users of the
delogo filter.

The patch has been tested with 'make fate-rsync fate' rebased on the
master branch commit 268d0b6527cba1ebac1f44347578617341f85c35
and applies clean to my previous patchset "Patch to create a circular delogo

Please have a look.

best regards

Jörg Habenicht (2):
  avfilter/delogo: changed type of parameter 'r' to float
  avfilter/delogo: change delogo round area to superellipse area

 libavfilter/vf_delogo.c | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)


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