[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Experiment: enable github pull requests

Tomas Härdin git at haerdin.se
Thu Feb 13 14:07:12 EET 2025

ons 2025-02-12 klockan 22:16 +0000 skrev Soft Works:
> > > I think people should be able to use a procedure they are
> > > familiar with.
> > > Is it possible to create PRs from a fork on GitHub?

We explicitly don't want that. Also github doesn't federate. None of
these git hosting sites do I think. You should learn git instead of
relying on github silliness.

> > 
> > I'm really not sure what you're asking.
> > PRs are not restricted. Creating repos is.
> > And there is no way to NOT restrict it, unless you want to pay
> > several
> > hundred Euros a month in hosting fees extra, and constantly be on
> > the
> > lookout for hosting illegal/harmful things.
> I wasn't asking, I'm stating that not being able to use an
> established workflow like 
> fork >> clone >> develop >> push >> PR

clone >> develop >> push == PR is far simpler

> ...would be an entry-bar for new contributors.
> But here comes a question: I've read that the "AGit flow" work by
> creating a branch for each submission in the original repo. Doesn't
> the repo get "polluted" over time this way? In case of merged PRs,
> the branch might get deleted, but what about unmerged ones?

Just delete them

> And when one clones the whole repo, don't they get all those branches
> downloaded locally as well? (as long as one doesn’t specify which
> branches to download)

Yeah, so? Two people might want to work on a branch. This is standard
git stuff. It's even worse with github's fork feature, because most
forks don't have any actual new code. They just pollute the list with
no way to clean it.


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